Passion for Baseball: A Look Ahead to the 106th National High School Baseball Championship Akita Tournament

Yasuhiro Kume2024 June 24, 8:00 AM

The draw for the 106th National High School Baseball Championship Akita Tournament (sponsored by Asahi Shimbun and the Akita Prefectural High School Baseball Federation) will be held on the 24th at Akita Chuo High School in Akita City. As club members continue to decline, Omonogawa and Nikaho have each had one third-year student keep their baseball club going. This summer, the two schools plan to compete in a six-school alliance with Oga Kaiyo, Nishi Senboku, Omagari No Ota, and Ugo. I don’t know what will happen to the club after I retire. Anyway, I have no choice but to show my passion for baseball in the games.

After school in early summer. The shadows are still thick. Omonogawa’s outfielder, Matsui Rui, is one-on-one with coach Sato Hiroki (53) for knocking and batting. “I can’t slack off,” Matsui joked. The practice that day lasted about an hour and a half. Still, the content was not thin.

Last summer, five seniors left and I was left with just one. “I thought about quitting many times, but after a day, I thought maybe I should keep going after all. I’m really bad at giving up,” he said. “I want to win this last summer.”

From the spring of his first year until last fall, Omonogawa had competed in the prefectural tournament (main tournament) and the summer championship tournament in a coalition with other schools, but had lost in the first round for six consecutive seasons. Five of those games were shutout losses.

He swung the bat a lot this winter. There was even a day when he swung 1,000 times in total. He participated in the prefectural tournament in May, in which he was part of a six-school alliance. Although he couldn’t avoid losing the first game, he hit three hits, two triples and a double, impressing those around him that “Matsui can swing the bat.” Looking back from his junior high school days when he couldn’t even make the bench, he is now at his maximum level of seriousness.

Nikaho’s second baseman, Miu Saga, is a girl, so by regulations she can only play in practice games. In the official six-school league games, she sits on the bench as a scorer. But it’s fun.

“High school baseball has a different kind of excitement to other sports, doesn’t it?” How so? He tilts his head in confusion and slaps his knee. “You get covered in mud, don’t you? That’s how you really see how hard the players are trying.”

Last summer, after four third-year students left the team, the manager asked then-coach Kodai Suzuki (28) if he would like to become a player. He had experience playing softball in junior high school. He immediately replied, “I want to get better,” and the two of them began practicing together.

“I wanted to play baseball even if I was alone. I didn’t want to lose the baseball club.” My older brother, who is three years older than me, also played baseball at Nikaho. He sometimes accompanied me to practice. Even when graduates come back like that, it’s lonely to have no one there.

In April, during a club introduction in front of the entire school, I appealed for the continuation of the baseball club, saying, “It’s okay if you join multiple clubs. Please join us.” Five students, including three new students, visited the grounds, but the number of members did not increase. There were 117 students in the school, and 33 were first-year students. It was not going well.

After spending the winter training his stamina, he will begin training with manager Hiyori Hoshino (30) in the spring. He took his first batter’s box in the game on the 8th. He was happy even though he hit a foul fly to the catcher. “I think that people who want to play baseball will join us next spring… I’m sure of it.”


According to the Akita Prefectural High School Baseball Federation, the number of members of the baseball club has been declining from 2,188 in 2009 (53 member schools), to 1,414 this year (43 schools). Nishisenboku also has only three third-year students registered. (Kumabe Yasuhiro)

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2024-06-23 23:18:46
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