Peruvian Midfielder Renato Tapia Faces Uncertain Fate Ahead of Copa América Departure

On the day of departure for the United States, the Peruvian team woke up with bad news. Renato Tapia, starting midfielder for the ‘blanquirroja’, was not part of the travelers due to not having resolved a pending issue with the Peruvian Football Federation: insurance against injuries. As indicated by the same footballer in an extensive statement, his contract with Celta de Vigo ends this June 30 and, after that date, he would be left without financial support in case he suffers an injury and requires rehabilitation. Likewise, if that misfortune occurs, he would stop receiving a salary as he does not belong to any team and he would not be easily hired by one.

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“When there are these types of tournaments, in this case the Copa América, there is a policy that activates FIFA and Conmebol. However, this policy does not directly cover footballers, but rather the clubs that are loaning their players to a national team. Therefore, in case a player is injured, this policy covers the recovery and salaries of the player for the entire time he is out and this applies as long as the footballer has a contract,” said Jhonny Baldovino, sports lawyer and legal advisor of SAFAP, to El Comercio.

In this context, Renato Tapia, if he suffers an injury, would not have support from his club as of July 1, since he would already be a free player: “Peru is going to play four games, a friendly and the three in the phase of groups, before June 30. If in any of those matches, he is injured and is left without activity for a while, the insurance from Conmebol and FIFA does not apply to Celta de Vigo, because his contract has already ended and the club is not obliged to renew him,” he added.

In these cases, if the footballer does not have insurance from his club, his Federation is responsible. Therefore, the FPF is the one who should have managed the payment of the policy before the player travels to the United States; However, as he himself explained in his letter, there were conversations with President Agustín Lozano, but the payment was not made.

At this point, it is worth highlighting that, more than the costs of an eventual recovery that may include surgery and rehabilitation, what the footballer seeks is to have loss of earnings insurance, that is, compensation for all the salaries that he would no longer receive in the time it stops. “The medical part is the easiest, you can even have surgery with the FPF doctor and do rehabilitation in Videna, the problem is that if Renato suffers an injury for six months, who pays him for all that time?” Baldovino said. .

Why was the policy not purchased?

In 2022, before Yoshimar Yotún signed for Sporting Cristal, he was without a team and Peru was close to playing a double date. On that occasion, the footballer’s representative obtained a policy to cover the player for those two games and the cost, according to close sources, the payment from the FPF was approximately 30 thousand dollars, and covered around 5 million dollars for disability. partial or permanent.

On this occasion, as it is a tournament that can be extended if the selection continues moving through phases, it is clear that the cost is higher. “Perhaps the FPF does not have the cash to assume that financial commitment, we all know that the economic situation is not the best. It is normal that, on the one hand, Renato has preferred to prioritize the interests of his family and, on the other, the FPF does not have the means to pay for such expensive insurance,” Baldovino added.

As El Comercio learned, there were conversations between the player’s entourage and the FPF to reach an agreement prior to the trip and, on both sides, they believed that a contract with a new club could be closed in that interim. However, times were against us and when the footballer demanded that the insurance be purchased, there was no positive response from Videna.

Is it a renunciation of the Bicolor?

It should be noted that, in this case, the figure that the footballer is resigning from the national team does not fit. On the contrary, according to the same FPF announced through its statement, the separation of the player occurs after a decision by mutual agreement and no type of sanction is applicable.

For his part, Julio García, sports lawyer and representative of soccer players, indicated: “This issue is a problem of the management capacity of the FPF. There is a problem here and it is that Agustín Lozano made an offer to Renato Tapia that, in the end, he has not fulfilled. This situation is not for the footballer to handle, but for the Federation to which he belongs.”

Regarding the approximate amount, García added: “Insurance is not cheap, but they are values ​​that are handled in football. It is not an amount that the FPF cannot pay, but the problem is that it is poorly managed. In addition to that, this has consequences for the team itself, even worse that it is aired publicly and that both versions contradict each other in their statements.”

¿Es revertible?

The Peruvian team has to present its list of 26 called up on June 15 as the deadline and, therefore, the FPF has until that day as the deadline to be able to resolve the purchase of insurance from Renato Tapia.

At the moment, although the footballer made reference to missing the Copa América, the sports entity’s statement only referred to his separation for the friendly against El Salvador and they have the expectation of being able to count on the national midfielder in the competition.

The de Fossati posture

For his part, Jorge Fossati intends to wait for the FPF to resolve Renato Tapia’s case before the deadline (June 15), as he is aware of the great importance of the midfielder in the squad. Without a doubt, this altercation also meant great annoyance and discomfort around the coaching staff.

But the coach also accepts that there are issues that are beyond the hands of the FPF members to sign something that Videna considers that only clubs can do so.

In the event that Renato Tapia cannot compete in the Copa América, the other players who have similar characteristics and could be placed in his position within the starting eleven are Wilder Cartagena and Jesús Castillo. It should be remembered that Pedro Aquino was not called up because he suffered an injury and has not played since March.

2024-06-12 18:55:55
#Peruvian #team #Renato #Tapia #answers #explain #reasons #break #Peruvian #team #Jorge #Fossatis #position #Copa #América #SPORTSTOTAL


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