Pogba, ‘it’s over, Paul Pogba no longer exists’ – Football

“It’s over, Paul Pogba no longer exists.” Thus the French ace, 2018 world champion, now disqualified until 2027 for doping, in a video interview on the social network ‘hietip.sports’ which spread it on its channels, together with images of the ‘Octopus’ lifting the World Cup world and in action with Juventus and Manchester United shirts.

The newspaper ‘The Guardian Nigeria’ publishes other excerpts from the interview, which have not yet been disclosed, attributing these sentences to Pogba: “I already don’t know who I am anymore. Football was my life, and my passion. But now it seems that I missed. Everything I built in my professional career was taken away from me.”

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2024-06-25 08:27:10
#Pogba #Paul #Pogba #longer #exists #Football


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