Portuguese Football Federation Approves Record Budget for 2024/25 Season

The General Assembly (AG) of the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF), meeting this Saturday in Cidade do Futebol, unanimously approved the budget for the 2024/25 season, the organization revealed in a statement.

In the note, the FPF, which adds that a vote of praise was also approved for the Management for the successive positive results of the exercises, reveals that the 72 delegates who participated in the GA (59 present and the rest via videoconference) ratified the Management’s proposal, which budgets a value of 120.4 million euros (ME), the largest in the history of the Federation.

The president of the FPF, Fernando Gomes, pointed out that a profit of 7.1 ME is expected for 2024/25, 5.6 more than in the previous season.

In the projection of income, the largest share comes from sporting activities (48 ME) and television rights, sponsorships, commercial with a forecast of 53 ME, 10.5 ME more than in 23/24. According to the FPF, part of this value is associated with the Portuguese Cup, which will allow an increase in prizes in the men’s and women’s events.

Fernando Gomes said that the FPF should exceed 240 thousand practitioners and pointed out that the A Hora dos SuperQuinas program will continue to be developed, involving 70 thousand students from 1,200 schools representing 308 municipalities next season.

After the ordinary GA, intended for the assessment and voting on the budget and activity plan for 2024/25, an Extraordinary General Assembly was held, in which the attribution of the title of honorary member to the former FPF leader and current Secretary was unanimously approved. of State for Sports, Pedro Miguel Pereira Dias, for providing relevant services to the Federation, as proposed by the FPF Management.

Nicolau Tolentino Rodrigues de Castro was awarded the category of Member of Merit of the FPF, at the proposal of the National Association of Football Coaches (ANTF), of which he was one of the founders, while the Portuguese Association of Football Referees (APAF) joined the proposal from the FPF Management praises Artur Soares Dias, Paulo Soares, Pedro Ribeiro and Tiago Martins for their presence in the Conference League final.

João Pinheiro, Luciano Maia and Bruno Jesus, for their participation in the under-17 World Cup, Miguel Nogueira and Nélson Pereira, for their presence in the under-17 European Championship, and Sérgio Soares, who was at the beach football World Cup, were distinguished with votes of praise, the same happening with the under-17 national team, for reaching the final of the European Championship.

At the same Extraordinary GA, the Disciplinary Regulations for competitions organized by the Portuguese Professional Football League were voted on, and which had been approved by the General Assembly of that organization on April 23, 2024, with this regulation being approved by those present.

2024-06-08 13:30:43
#FPF #approves #budget #General #Assembly #Football


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