“Promoting Youth Physical Activity: Campus Judo Propatria and Fipe Lombardia Projects Making a Difference”

Thanks to the Istituto Comprensivo Galilei and the Director Patrizia Isabella, physical activity lessons were held in the Soglian nursery schools, 20 children and Speranza, 30 children, and in the E. Rossi elementary schools with 70 children and A. Negri with 82 children. coordinated by the technicians of Pro Patria Judo. At nursery school Movi-Mente, at primary school Gioca Judo.

The technicians Elena Baffa Scinelli for the nursery schools and Paolo Quaglia for the elementary schools worked at the school facilities, creating enthusiasm and contributing to the improvement of the motor skills of the young practitioners. The end-of-year recital for the nursery schools and the wrestling competition for the elementary schools closed the season. The conditions are excellent for re-proposing the project next season.

The Fipe Lombardia collegiate meeting aimed at very young Olympic weightlifting athletes took place on 16 June at the Arena di Travagliato (BS). In this federal monitoring activity of the regional technical activity between the ages of 13 and 17, five Buste athletes were present, out of about twenty participants, Atena Federici, Emma Valentina Vecchi, Chiril Gordei, Michael Cannone, Pietro Guarnoni, they represent a further confirmation of the predominantly youthful orientation of Campus Judo Propatria in terms of youth weightlifting.

But the Campus projects aimed at young people are even more ambitious, having implemented and adhered to a new federal format called Gioca Fipe, which is aimed at children aged between 10 and 12, in which the very young participants must highlight through execution of Olympic exercise with “pediatric” weights and typical physical education tools (medicine balls, ropes, etc.) in circuit mode, to have acquired an appreciable motor education, in order to obtain 360-degree skills that can be used in future sports.

In a completely pioneering and exclusive manner, in the same collegial meeting venue, the Federal Technician Claudio Palumbo, and thanks also to the precious support of the technical figure Luca Dan, proposed a mini-team of young people on the occasion of the Coni Trophy, Martina Cannone and Cariello Giancarlo who will compete in a ranking that will include a national final in the autumn.

2024-06-20 14:19:50
#Judo #weightlifting #early #age #activities #Pro #Patria #Judo #schools #Busto #Arsizio


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