Promotion of Sports in Schools: Utilizing the Olympic Boom to Encourage Physical Education

Release date: 2024-06-18 22:50

physical education


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The government is determined to promote the popularization of sports, and many schools also provide various types of sports to students. However, some scholars point out that the rate of student participation in sports is low, and they hope to take advantage of the Olympic boom to popularize sports. At this primary school in Tsuen Wan, the teacher arranged a badminton training class today. Some students said that they were inspired by the Hong Kong badminton mixed doubles pair of Tang Chun Man and Tse Ying Suet during last year’s Asian Games in Hangzhou and became fond of this sport. Su Chaoyang, a primary school student, said: “Xie Yingxue was feeling unwell in that match, and her partner helped her fly left and right to defeat her opponent. The two of them let me know that playing badminton is not just about playing alone, but also about teamwork.” Some students Let’s just say that he started participating in fencing after being inspired by Zhang Jialang’s fencing gold medal win at the Tokyo Olympics. Primary school student Huang Keqiao said: “He gave me a driving force and made me want to be like him. Winning the championship in the competition can bring glory to Hong Kong.” The school pointed out that whenever Hong Kong athletes achieve good results, related sports will be popular among classmates. . Guo Minli, the principal of Shek Wai Kok Primary School of Yuen Xuan College, said: “Mr. Zhang Jialang, after he won awards in many competitions, more and more students are interested in fencing, so we specially added a sword to our activity room during the summer vacation. “Fencing courses will allow us to hold fencing courses next year.” Some scholars believe that there are not many students in Hong Kong who regularly engage in sports, and they hope to take advantage of the Olympic boom to promote the popularization of sports. Lei Xiongde, a senior lecturer in the Department of Health and Physical Education of the University of Education, pointed out: “A middle school has about 600 to 800 students who represent the school in competitive sports competitions. Whether you are in the first to third level, no matter what the event. Only about 10% of students have any exercise habits. We need to promote popularization, which means that every student has an interest in exercise and will continue to do exercise even after he leaves school.” He said, Olympians will be more effective when they go into communities to promote sports. Click to watch the show review
2024-06-18 20:01:20
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