PSS Sleman Legend Anang Hadi Saputra Sets Realistic Goal for Top Six Finish in League 1 2024/2025


PSS Sleman legend, Anang Hadi Saputra, also opened his voice about the target of the top six of the Javanese Super Eagles in League 1 2024/2025. According to him, this target is quite realistic.

The figure of Anang Hadi Saputra is certainly familiar to PSS Sleman fans. The man from Sleman wore the PSS uniform for eight seasons starting from 2007 to 2015. He was also nicknamed El Capitano (captain) PSS in 2013.

“In my opinion, the target of the top six is ​​quite realistic for next season,” said Anang, who is now appointed as PSS U-18 coach when contacted by detikJogja, Tuesday (18/6/2024).

In the last two seasons of League 1, PSS has been teetering on the brink of relegation. Anang is sure that management will have carried out an evaluation.

“Management will also definitely improve. So I don’t want to panic every season anymore. So hopefully it will be better if the management is more structured,” he continued.

Anang hopes that the top six target can be achieved next season and that PSS will consistently be at the top of League 1 in the following seasons. The hope is that one day, Sleman’s proud team can win the championship.

“I am confident in the target of being in the top six. So I hope that PSS can exist at the top every season,” he explained.

“So after that in the third season we can exist in the top flight and then we can target to win. The hope is that in the next two seasons the top six will continue to be consistent in the top flight,” concluded Anang.

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