Puerto Rico Women’s Basketball Team Prepares for Paris 2024 Olympics Alongside Men’s National Team

The Puerto Rico Women’s National Basketball Team, which longs to have the company of its Puerto Rican counterparts at the Paris 2024 Olympics, begins its preparation at home this Thursday for the tournament that will be played in France.

The national leader of the women’s team, Jerry Batista, said that the work will be scheduled appropriately so that the players can support the men’s National Team in the Olympic Qualification Tournament at the José Miguel Agrelot Coliseum. In this tournament the Puerto Rican squad will play for a single ticket to Paris that is available in the tournament.

“We are looking forward to it starting, for them to be able to qualify and for both basketball teams to be representing the country in these Olympics.”

-Jerry Bastista / Leader of the Women’s Basketball Team

“If the Lord allows it, the coaching staff and all the players will be there in the front row supporting the men’s team. The entire Federation is going to be there together, as are all Puerto Ricans. For us it is very important that they classify. We are looking forward to it starting, for them to be able to qualify and for both basketball teams to be representing the Country in these Olympics,” Batista told Primera Hora.

The idea of ​​seeing both Puerto Rican basketball teams qualify for the Olympics is a dream. The opportunity to see the two teams celebrating the men’s passage to Paris on July 7, in the center of the Choliseo field, while the public applauds them and puts Paris 2024 on the calendar would be epic.

The men’s and women’s tournaments at the Olympic Games run simultaneously. If the men qualify, their first game will be on July 28 against South Sudan. The women play that day against Serbia.

Batista reported that training begins with 10 of the 15 players called up and that the entire group will be available by the weekend.

The Federation has not reported who the 15 players called up are, but it can be understood that among those must be Pamela Rosado, Mya Hollingshed and Arella Guirantes, among others who saw action in the Tokyo 2020 version of the Games and who have been called up for events. of the current Olympic cycle.

Batista added that they will work “hard” every day to follow up on the previous international events they had in February and May, such as the training camp they played against the WNBA Aces, in addition to “setting up” the game they will take to Paris 2024.

The National Team will face Spain and China, in addition to Serbia, in its second consecutive Olympics.

The leader explained that the National Team begins its trip to Paris 2024 on July 9.

“We are going to give it a hard time until we leave on July 9. We are going to prepare for the trips, so that we can see them play and continue practicing. We will have enough time to adapt and adjust,” said Batista.

The National Team will have its second training session in Poland against the host, Portugal and Germany, which will play in Paris 2024. They will subsequently play against Canada twice and once against Nigeria.

2024-06-26 23:17:13
#womens #Basketball #Team #begins #training #heart #set #mens #team


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