Quimsa Dominates Peñarol with a 91-60 Victory in Quarterfinals

Third 91-60 Peñarol

The game began with a home team on fire with triples from Ramírez Barrios and Basabe against a Peñarol with lost balls and without scoring in two minutes. Thornton added for the visit, but Gallizzi and Ramírez Barrios extended the lead. Those led by Laginestra failed (1-10 on the field in seven minutes) and Basabe continued adding from long distance with Gallizzi near the basket to close the first quarter up 26-13.

Filippa and Vasirani opened the scoring of the second segment, but the merged bank performed with Rolfi and Zezular to continue leading. The duel continued with a Milrayita that tried to wake up with bombs from Valinotti and Fernández, but the response of the American champion did not take long to arrive with Gallizzi and an individual action from Robinson to go into the break ahead 48-27.

After halftime, Thornton scored four goals for a more effective Mar del Plata team. Likewise, Quimsa remained calm thanks to Brussino and a double foul by Ramírez Barrios. The offenses were up to date, a triple on each side continued to move the score. Gallizzi took center stage in the quarter and with ten minutes left in the epilogue, the Santiago team led 74-53.

In two minutes a double by Vasirani was the only thing of the set, the entry of Zezular continued to accommodate the homeowner, 28 up with 7’30” to end the series. Peñarol took four minutes to score with Simpson in the paint. Quimsa did not It was fine, but a triple along with a dunk by Rolfi put things in their place. The time and the difference in the score favored the defending champion who finished game five and the quarterfinal series with a clear 91 to 60.

In this way, the Fusion entered the semi-finals of La Liga for the seventh time in its history. Fabian Ramírez Barrios broke it with 22 points, Tayavek Gallizzi contributed 15 and 9 rebounds and Diamon Simpson 16 points. Now, Boca awaits in the semis, in the series that will begin on Saturday at the Ciudad Stadium.

Report and photos: Quimsa Press.

2024-06-19 03:29:57
#National #Basketball #League #News


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