Ragusa Calcio, Puma president resigns

The president of theAsd Ragusa football, Giacomo Puma, announces his resignation from office.

“A few turns of words and I’ll get straight to the point – he states – a painful choice for me, especially after the wonderful years spent at the helm of the blue company together with the many entrepreneur friends who rejoiced and suffered for the emotions that these colors gave us. Now, however, as far as I’m concerned, the time has come to take an inevitable direction.”

“For two reasons – continues Puma -: the first is that, further developing my businessas many know, in the world of betting, the profession is irreconcilable with covering a top role like the one within the blue society. The second, and honestly the most painful, it has to do with a sort of general indifference that affects the city’s main football team. Whose fate seems to interest no one, apart from a hundred, or a little more, of loyalists who historically follow its vicissitudes”.

“Mind you, I don’t want to make accusations against anyone or anyone. I would be careful about it. I’m just – – specifies the president – ​​taking note of the situation, photographing it. And since I’m not interested in getting by but I was ready to give life to a project to further relaunch my football career after two years in Serie D, we spent this time trying to understand how many forces could join us to try to cultivate this ambition . Unfortunately, zero signals. And to say that we have moved a lot in these last few days. But no one cares about the future of Ragusa football. And, therefore, since there are not the ideal conditions to continue, it is better to end it here, after a year full of satisfactions in which we demonstrated what would have been possible to do. I have already announced my intention to the group with which I shared this battle.”

“They – it is further specified – explain that they are willing to wait a few more days, in the hope that someone will show up, to try to put together a minimal project. It is clear that the city of Ragusa has enormous potential, economically speaking. But football is not one of this city’s future plans. And therefore, as it seems, if no other path is available, the company is also discussing the possibility of making the sale of the title available. I repeat: no one wants to come to this. But being put with their backs against the wall has determined what, at this point, seems to be the only sensible choice. The future will tell us whether we were right or not. But in the meantime it’s like this.”

We are very sorry – concludes Giacomo Puma – for those hundred of people who followed us, for better or for worse, and who shared our path that led us to conquer Serie D. Objectively, however, and we also realized this when illustrating these numbers to potential investors from outside, for a city of almost 75 thousand inhabitants the percentage of attendance at the stadium is truly infinitesimal. So all the investors mentioned above turned up their noses and declined the offer. It’s a vicious cycle from which we can’t escape. Maybe it’s because Ragusa is like this. And we can’t do anything about it. This being the case, the direction I have taken is the only possible one. I will understand the criticisms, I will also understand the accusations, I will understand that there will be many who do not agree. But, honestly, all possible options have been analysed. And there is no other solution. In any case, we close by always shouting at the top of our lungs, as we have often done in recent years, Forza Ragusa”.

2024-06-20 11:50:27
#Ragusa #Calcio #Puma #president #resigns


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