Rainy Weather Dampens Citadelle Tennis Singles Tournament But Enthusiasm Prevails

Inauguration tournament of the summer season of the Critérium Namurois, the Citadelle tennis singles tournament was not spared by rather autumnal weather. “We managed to manage these disruptions during the first weekendexplains Christine Schreiber, tournament referee for more than 25 years. But Friday’s downpours dashed my hopes of finishing the tournament on time this Sunday.”

But if the rain came to spoil the party by causing numerous changes to the program at the last minute, the Citadelle club was able to count on mutual assistance from the many clubs in the surrounding area. “Everyone was very cooperative. We know how difficult it is to organize a tournament in these conditions. Some players were even able to play for their own club to further the program“, confirms the referee.

With 434 participants, the Namur club nevertheless recorded great enthusiasm for its tournament, which had sixteen categories, including two stages of the traditional Belgian Circuit: a Gentlemen 1* and a Ladies 1*. “If the weather had been favorable, we could have welcomed around thirty additional players“As in previous editions, the Men’s 6 table was in full swing with a maximum of 64 players.”The Gentlemen 2 category remains the most requested“, affirmed Christine Schreiber.

And with eleven outdoor clay courts, it requires organization and manpower. “For the organization, I am all alone at the table. The other administrators of the club take care of the management of the bar and the catering. Generally speaking, there is still a shortage of volunteers“, expresses the referee.

A winner from qualifying

And even if not all categories were able to finish on time, some finals still took place this Sunday. After coming out of qualifying, Guillaume Reginster (Le Bosquet) won the Men’s 4 table against Nao Baguette (Saint-Fiacre) 6/1-6/2. After the delay caused by rain, the finals of the other categories will be played during the week.

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2024-06-23 18:41:00
#Tennis #Citadelle #count #neighboring #clubs


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