Recio: “We will team up to go up OK League again”

He Flat Girona Garage buried in the first part of Sunday’s game a alcohol the chances of staying in the OKLiga. The 4-0 with what Ferran Formatjé and company martyred the Gironans made salvation impossible. So would he 5-2 final would confirm Girona’s relegation to the second state category eight seasons later. “We didn’t think about it, but we knew it could happen”, said the president yesterday Eduard Recio And now what? one descent it is always traumatic no matter how expected or possible it is. However, Palau has been working on the next season for a long time, whatever the scenario. That is why a few hours after returning from Alcoi and still not having suffered the displeasure, Recio is already thinking about next year in Plata.

«The idea is to return to OK League and we will make a team to be at the top. Then we’ll see what happens, but lthe city and the club deserve to be in OK Liga». In this sense, the club has already tied the continuity of the coach Xavier Garcia Balda and much of the spine of the staff. Thus, the veteran goalkeeper Jaume Lverola, Àlex Grau, Borja Ramon and Moi Aguirre will continue at the club next year in Plata. But against, Biel Nadal leaves Igualada, Marc Vázquez to Alpicat and Puigvert is looking for a new destination. As to Django Bogers and Aleix Domènech it is still being talked about. Girona even already has the first signing for the new season tied up. It is about Girona Sergio Canet, which will arrive from Alcoi, precisely. Recio trusts in the good willingness of the sponsors to maintain the budget that has had the first team this year, of uns 120.000 euros.

2024-06-04 04:30:21
#Recio #team #League


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