Record-Breaking Spectator Numbers in A2 Basketball League: An Impressive Season Summary

Full arenas, a spectacle often worthy of the superior category, it was clear that last season’s A2 had been a great success; now, to confirm this, the official data on spectators published on the League website also arrives.

In fact, taking into consideration the 384 matches of the regular season, including the clock phase, there are an impressive 720,218 spectators payingaccording to official SIAE data, for an average per match of 1,875, in clear growth compared to last season. In the 22/23 tournament, in fact, the average spectators were 1,411.

In fact, there were 464 more spectators at each match than last season, for a record increase of 33%. And then the curiosity arises as to what the “Regular” match was most followedthe one played at the “PalaDozza” in Piazza Azzarita, in Bologna, on the day of the Epiphany, between Fortitudo Bologna and APU Udine, with 5,545 paying.

A more than flattering number that increased dramatically in the hottest phase of the season, the playoffs. In the 49 post-season games there were a total of 152,854 spectators, 3,119 per game, with a clear increase compared to last year, when the average per game settled at around 2400 spectators, 2401 to be precise. An increase of 30%, another indicator of the championship’s newfound appeal.

Remaining in the playoffs, the two final series had a huge audience, the ones that decreed the return to the Olympus of our basketball of Trapani Shark and Pallacanestro Trieste. The final of the Gold draw, between Friulians and Cantù, saw 6,009 spectators per game, while in the Silver draw, the decisive series, between Trapani Shark and Fortitudo Bologna saw an average of 5,592 paying people per match.

Truly impressive numbers, worth a huge +38% compared to the previous season. The match with the highest turnout was Game 3 of the final between Pallacanestro Trieste and Acqua S.Bernardo Cantù with 6,064.

In the regular season the most followed team was Fortitudo Bologna, whose record was undermined, in the playoffs, by Pallacanestro Trieste which, in the post-season, was followed by 5,543 people per game, ahead of the “Effe” from Bologna, stops at 4,680. Also over 4,000 was another historic venue for our basketball, Pallacanestro Cantù, with an average of 4,236 spectators.

Combining the data relating to the regular season, clock phase, survival phase and playoffs, the season just concluded saw 885,074 spectators flock to the 463 matches played in the Serie A2 facilities, for an average of 1,912 per match. Last year there were 726,391, race average 1,529. For an increase equal to +21.8%.

Curiously, but not even that much, the growth in turnout was constant, going from 1,863 in the home and away round, to 1,903 in the clock phase, up to 3,119 in the playoffs.

More spectators also translate into higher takings, a fact that is very good for the companies’ coffers; in total the championship clubs have grossed almost 9 million euros, to be precise 8,792,830 euros, a clear increase compared to last season, when, despite a slightly higher number of matches, the overall revenue was 6,242,275 EUR. In fact, an overall increase of over 2.5 million euros and 5,750 euros per match which gives us hope, also in view of next season, for the future of a championship which seems to have finally taken the high road.

Photocredits: Savino Paolella

2024-06-25 07:45:36
#Serie #flattering #endofseason #numbers #relating #attendance #takings


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