Rector Emphasizes Commitment to Training Academically Competent Professionals with Values

The rector reiterated the commitment to training academically competent professionals with values.

Cd. Victoria, Tam.- Rector Dámaso Leonardo Anaya Alvarado chaired in this capital the meeting to recognize student athletes from the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas (UAT) who with their talent obtained medals in the recent National Universiade 2024.

During the ceremony that took place at the University Theater of the UATMVZ Dámaso Anaya highlighted the efforts of the athletes and their coaches, who achieved a historic participation for the UAT in the most important university sports event in the country by winning eight medals in total: two golds, two silvers and four bronzes.

When congratulating the performance of the entire university athletic delegation, he reiterated the commitment to training academically competent professionals with values, and for this it is important to strengthen the practice in the different sports disciplines.

In this meeting, the UAT made clear the recognition to its medalists José Alfredo Quintá López, Brandon Alan Romo Beltrán, Alejandra Yamile Badillo Varela, Patricia Joseline Estrada Tirado, José Ignacio Pérez Ortiz, Natalia Montserrat Sarmiento Rodríguez, Sandor Ulices Grimany García and Laura Melisa Zamora España.

On behalf of the athletes, Brandon Alan Romo Beltrán, gold medalist in fencing, thanked the rector Dámaso Anaya Alvarado for the support provided to the delegation that competed in the national event and stressed that thanks to this excellent results were achieved. Likewise, Cecilia Martínez Aguilera, sensei of Correcaminos UAT of Judo, commented that thanks to the support of the rector, the sporting goals that had been set throughout the entire process prior to the competition were achieved.

2024-06-13 05:05:56
#UAT #recognizes #outstanding #students


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