Reflections on an Improbable Season: A Tribute to the 2023 Capitales Team

A final nod to an exceptional season that team president Michel Laplante did not hesitate to describe as the most improbable of his career with the team.

“Last year’s players taught everyone that even if the team was behind by one, two, three, four, five and even six and seven runs with just one turn at bat, you don’t Don’t leave your seat before the end at Stade Canac. This is an important lesson in baseball!”

The Capitals did not fail to highlight the numerous end-of-game exploits with the registration of 9 walkoffs in addition to the BackIIBack registration for the two consecutive championships in the new circuit.

Laplante also had the right words to describe the last edition of the Capitales.

“Despite a difficult start, they showed so much resilience to come back to the top. They are simply champions who never give up!”

Two beautiful ovations

All the players were warmly applauded by the fans who braved the rain, but the crowd reserved its loudest applause for the recently retired David Glaude and the team manager Patrick Scalabrini, who deserved his eighth ring with the organization.

Finally, it should be noted that the Capitales had not canceled a single game due to rain at home during the entire 2023 season. As such, all good things must come to an end.

2024-06-30 01:53:46
#solid #rock #smiles #rain


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