Remembering Alfonso Pazos: A Pioneer of Galician Basketball

Galician basketball mourns the death of one of its main pioneers, Alfonso Pazos who dedicated his entire life to promoting this sport through CB Arcade and who died this Thursday at the age of 87.

The figure of Pazos is fundamental to understanding the growth of Arcade sport in general and diffusion of basketball in the district from Pontevedra.

They are passion for basketball made him declare more than a decade ago that “as long as I can move, I will be with this sport.”

His last public appearance occurred last month February when the City Council of Soutomaior honored him by baptizing the Montesiña pavilion with his name in an event that was attended by more than two hundred people.

Alfonso Pazos’s career

He began his association with CB Arcade at the beginning of the 1990s. 50s of the last century. He began to practice basketball to overcome his problems asma of youth until at the age of 24, he assumed the management of the club and since then he has not abandoned it.

His passion for basketball led him not only to form several generations of athletes from Soutomaior and also from neighbouring municipalities, but to deepen the game, train and discover new ways of carrying out the training.

CB Arcade lacked basketball elite because the club’s economy did not allow it to carry out that project in its always competitive senior teams in regional categories. But he achieved significant success with the sets of baseeven with important results in national championships

Pioneer in women’s basketball

He was also a pioneer in the development of women’s basketball, when the practice of sport for women was close to being prohibited. Not only generations of players passed through his hands, but also of coaches.

His disciples were able to build several societies: by people of all social conditions, of all profiles, of all professions.

One of the aspects in which the club shone the most was in school basketball as project director Hesperia in the province of Pontevedra (a plan that aimed to bring the modality closer to thousands of boys from all over Spain) in which he played an essential role in training.

He was a lover of Club Baloncesto Arcade: player, coach, president, treasurer and all imaginable facets and tasks to allow the entity to survive for decades as the oldest club in Galicia.

The news of his death It caused deep regret in Soutomaior and in many areas of Galician sport. One of the first to demonstrate for the mayor of that municipality, Manu Lourenzo who thanked him for his work through his Facebook profile.

Thank you for all you have given us. Thank you for so many hours in the school hall with us. Thank you for so much patience, for so much advice… Thank you for so many childhood and basketball moments that will live in us forever. There are people who live far beyond their time. Rest in peace Alfonso. Always in our heart“.

His lifeless body will be laid to rest until seven fifteen in the evening this Friday at the funeral home Arcade, time at which he will be transferred to the Municipal cemetery of that parish of Soutomaior and at eight in the afternoon the funeral in the church of Santiago.

2024-06-28 10:19:08
#Basketball #mourns #death #Alfonso #Pazos


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