Renewed Confidence: Alfred Céphise and his Team Lead Martinique Judo League into 2024-2028 Olympiad

The last general assembly of the 2020/2024 Olympiad of the Martinique Judo League, Friday June 28, 2024 in Fort de France, renewed its confidence in Alfred Céphise and his team.

During this general meeting, President Alfred Céphise drew up the 2023 report.

A year full of events and actions to promote Judo in the Martinique territory, thanks to the involvement of leaders, teachers and trainers.”

Judo competition in Martinique (illustrative image). • ©Capture Facebook Martinique Judo League

Among the major actions in 2023, I would like to highlight the activities for the youngest children aged 4/5, the competitions in Martinique and in mainland France, the labelling of the Pôle espoir Martinique and the financial support of the Maison Régionale de la Performance. There is also the reintegration of the LJM into the Caribbean Judo Confederation, the visit of Gilberto Garcia, President of the Santo Domingo Judo Federation, President of the Caribbean Judo Confederation and Vice-President of the Pan-American Judo League. Another highlight is the involvement of our league in the “1000 dojos solidaires” operation launched by the French Judo Federation in several municipalities.

Alfred Céphise – President of the Martinique Judo League

Dylian Violton, the competitor, Grégory Mondésir Federal Technical Advisor of Martinique and Alfred Céphise President of the Martinique Judo League • ©Martinique Judo League

The president and his team have carried out several strong actions with associative partners to support patients, families and research, including the Telethon and the Relay for Life in the fight against cancer.

The judo league has also inducted 5 young judokas into the system of civic service volunteers serving the clubs. This citizen contribution continues with the creation of solidarity dojos in Ducos (Shin ghi taï), Morne-Vert (Effort), Saint-Pierre (Judo club Saint Pierre), Vauclin (La Vauclinoise), Sainte-Anne (Judo club of Sainte-Anne) and in Fort de France (Judo club la Française).

Transmission is assured • ©Daniel BETIS.

During this general meeting, Alfred Céphise thanked the institutional partners of the league in particular, the Territorial Community of Martinique, the French Judo Federation, the National Sports Agency, and private partners.

At the dawn of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we can be very proud of the work accomplished together in Martinique, of the influence of judo and its values, fundamental to life, the basis of our discipline. We must remain examples and rely on the values ​​of our sport, share them and transmit them whatever our role, leader, educator, practitioner and referee. This is the end of an Olympiad, 4 years at the end of which, I thank the entire team of volunteers of the Steering Committee, Luce, Francine, Miguel, Gilles, Jean-Félix, Alain and Joël for their unfailing investment in the service of our discipline, our employees, Grégory Mondésir and Brigitte Misantrope, for their commitment. It is together that we will win to develop our discipline in the service of our society”

Alfred Céphise – President of the Judo League

The three presidents of the judo league together Karim Keita (Guyana), Alfred Céphise (Martinique) and Fred Nomed Guadeloupe). • ©Daniel Betis

The general assembly renewed a team of men and women who have been involved for years in the promotion, development and visibility of Judo.

Alfred Cephise is re-elected president, Marie-Francoise is general secretary, Gilles Charlotte is treasurer as well as the other members of the steering committee.

The 2024-2028 Olympiad program of the elected team will be based on the continuity, strengthening and promotion of 4 interdependent actions: training, animation, education and leisure, competition and high level without forgetting, communication, to give more visibility and encourage vocations.

2024-06-30 20:55:33
#Alfred #Céphise #reelected #president #Martinique #Judo #League


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