Renovated US Séné Judo Club Looks to Rebuild After Challenging Years

US Séné Judo brought together its members for its annual general meeting on Tuesday June 25, 2024. This is a first at the Le Derf complex. We will work in better conditions,notes Pascal Beyrand, club treasurer. The renovated structure will boost us.”

Five difficult years

The judo club has had a difficult five years: “two of pandemic and three with an unsanitary dojo. This had the effect of deconstructing the club. Despite everything, there are still children, remarks Pierre Richard, judo teacher. Some have gone to register elsewhere, others have chosen another activity. I come from Erdeven to teach young people. I am happy to have held on. Let us be optimistic because with this beautiful equipment, we can only go up the slope.

A few years ago, the club had 150 members, at its peak 170. Today, we have 40 members, regrets Pascal Beyrand. This year, the judo section ends with a deficit of €2,000, which is added to the -€2,700 from the previous year. We are dipping into our cash flow. We have to start again, otherwise we risk closing down.

Des solutions

For the office, solutions exist: increase the number of licensees and contributions. The office proposes to carry out actions such as tournaments. About twenty additional contributions would make it possible to stop the fall in cash flow. The office is considering setting up an adult section.

A new office

The board of directors elected its new office: Rémi Zadi, president; Carine Mathonnet, vice-president; Véronique Le Maire, treasurer; Tony Rodayer, secretary; Ghislaine Aranciotta, assistant secretary.

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2024-06-27 22:05:23
#difficult #years #Séné #Judo #track


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