Residents Choose Fruit Trees for New Picking Garden in Mechelen

In the fall, a picking garden with Mechelen fruit trees will be planted and the residents had a say in that as well. “The city of Mechelen organized a tasting moment in collaboration with POMKO (Pomologisch Kollectief) in September last year. Residents were able to taste which types of apples and pears they liked best, and which fruits they would therefore most like to be able to pick in their future park.”

“The choice fell on 8 apple trees, including the James Grieve, Winterbanana and Notarisappel. 6 pear trees were also chosen, including the Soldat Laboreur, Josephine de Malines and Seigneur Esperen. The choice fell on both standard apple and pear trees and native Mechelen varieties,” according to the city.


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