Resumption of Michoacan avocado exports will be done in phases – El Sol de México

Morelia, Michoacán.- The Association of Avocado Producers and Packers Exporters of Mexico (Apeam) AC, announced that the reopening of the export of avocado from Michoacán to the United States will consist of three phases.

Through a statement, Apeam reported that by decision of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), imports of Michoacan avocado will be carried out in three reopening parts:

In the first, on July 1, activities of 11 packaging in the municipalities will restart: Acuitzio del Canje, Condémbaro, Morelia, Pátzcuaro and Salvador Escalante, which will be able to schedule cuts from June 29 at the established times.In the second phase, on July 2, 14 packaging companies will resume activities. These companies are located in the municipalities of Peribán de Ramos and Tacámbaro. They will be able to schedule the cuts starting July 1 at the established times. Finally, on July 3, 12 packages will be the turn of the municipalities of Ciudad Hidalgo, Ecuandureo, La Cantera, Tancítaro, Tingüindín, Tocumbo, Villa Madero and Zitácuaro, which will be able to schedule cuts from July 2.

The Association added that it will continue to follow the schedules and specifications established this week within the Safety Accompaniment Plan for USDA inspectors when they carry out the established activities.

On June 17, the USDA decided to suspend avocado imports from Michoacán after community police from Paracho detained two inspectors on the Uruapan-Paracho highway, where they were assaulted during a checkpoint. Apeam reported that the harvesting, storage, processing and shipping of the fruit were suspended.

After the suspension, the state governor Alfredo Ramírez Bedolla estimated that the trade conflict could be resolved in a week, with the visit of the United States ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar. After the meeting, the Government of Michoacán reported that the USDA-Aphis inspectors will have personal escorts from the state Auxiliary Police.

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Michoacán produces 84.9 percent of the avocado production volume in Mexico. In the state there are 120 thousand hectares of cultivation of the so-called green gold, which are certified to export it.

Note published in El Sol de Morelia

2024-06-29 23:14:11
#Resumption #Michoacan #avocado #exports #phases #Sol #México


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