Return of students to schools in Herrera begins after water crisis

The situation of drinking water in the province of Herrera begins to normalize, with the water treatment plant working between 50 and 85 percent, and the gradual return of students to schools.

After the Ministry of Health in the province of Herrera reported that the results of these The analyses were satisfactory, and the treated water meets the required quality standards, School principals together with the Ministry of Education announced the return to classrooms.

The director of Health of Herrera, Luis Pérez indicated that since he started During the contingency, exhaustive supervision and constant monitoring of the water purification process was carried out through the Roberto Reyna plant.

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This, in response to recent irregularities detected in the water supply in the district of Chitré, For which a Water Quality team took water samples, which were subjected to analysis in laboratories of the Ministry of Health.

In addition to Health, the regional ones of IDAAN and the Ministry of the Environment also They presented the status reports of each area in relation to the water consumed, revealing that it complies with the values ​​allowed by the current national regulations for drinking water.

As part of the constant monitoring to which the plant is subjected Chitré water treatment plant, A 50 percent reduction in production was announced on Thursday night, for cleaning sedimentation tanks.

In addition, a monitoring day for treated water has been carried out. which is distributed to the affected communities, as well as to the reserve tanks of schools, colleges, penitentiaries, hospitals and health centers.

It is expected that as the river situation improves, the production of water that is treated at the Roberto Reyna plant is increased, which would allow for the normalization of many activities in this region of the country.

2024-06-27 21:23:35
#Return #students #schools #Herrera #begins #water #crisis


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