Revitalizing Riesa Show Dancers: Rebuilding After the Pandemic

Riesa show dancers want to get going again after Corona

After the pandemic, the VfL Riesa department had reorganized itself. The club is not only looking for more dancers.

Annett Scholz trains with the children of VfL Riesa for the next show dance performance. © Sebastian Schultz

Riesa. On Fridays there is dancing in the gym of the special needs school on Goethestrasse – and it lasts for several hours. Trainer Annett Scholz welcomes the show chicks in the late afternoon, and the Hurricane team joins them later. The children are between three and twelve years old and meet twice a week to rehearse show dances. The oldest group, “Pentagon”, meets later in the evening in the judo hall in Weida.

All in all, there are 22 dancers who are active in the show dance department of VfL Riesa. The department was once on the verge of closing due to the Corona-related break, says Dirk Grüning. Then, about a year ago, things slowly changed. Grüning’s daughter was already active in athletics, she was looking for another way to balance things out – and decided to dance.

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2024-06-27 04:01:12
#Riesa #Riesa #show #dancers #started #Corona


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