Reviving the Ancient Tradition of Roy Shooting: Archers Gather at Arc Club de l’Uzège

Last Sunday, the archers of the Arc club de l’Uzège (ACU) met on the Saint-Victor-des-Oules field for the Roy shooting.

Alain Maurin, secretary of the association, recounts a little history: “In the Middle Ages, certain brotherhoods had the right to elect their King. Archers were part of this with a specific shot called the King’s shot or the papegai shot. We elected the King but not a queen, because at the time women did not have the right to participate in such assemblies. For the archers of our province, this tradition ceased because of the troubles sowed in Nîmes by the King. archers It was Louis XIV who put an end to the existence of the game, certainly motivated by two reasons: on the one hand, in the kingdom of France there should only be one King, and on the other hand. , it had been a long time since there had been an archer company on the battlefields. On November 10, 1660, in a general declaration, he enjoined the consuls and governors of the towns of Languedoc to prevent this from happening. In the future, there will be no election of king of the Popegai, in their cities.”

It is therefore in complete illegality of a royal decree that the ACU, for several years, has been reactivating this ancient tradition.

Preparation for the day of July 6 with night shooting

This year the club has changed the tradition: the more experienced archers there are, the smaller the target will be.

“It’s difficult for archers shooting without a sight. For men with more than a year of shooting, the target at 18 m was a small cardboard bird 3 cm in diameter,” explains Alain Maurin.

For more competition between participants, the ACU elected one person per category. Here are the lucky ones: the cadet page less than a year of shooting: Gabriel Moréno, adult princess woman less than a year of shooting: Manon Luthy, adult prince man less than a year of shooting: Claude Palmer, adult queen woman more than a year of shooting: Annick Castan, roy adult man more than a year of shooting: Alain Maurin.

The ACU is now preparing for the shooting day on July 6 which will end with exceptional night shooting and the extinguishing of the flame of a candle with the blast of an arrow. Contact: 06 76 08 59 54 and 06 28 71 45 66

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 70 36 83 32

2024-06-21 03:05:00
#curious #story #shooting #Roy #archers #Arc #club #Uzège


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