Ricardo Centurión Found Safe at Home, Still Missing from Vélez Training

Ricardo Centurión would be at home and in good health

In the run-up to the Argentine Cup match between Vélez and Arsenal, a statement from the president of El Fortín Fabián Berlanga generated concern about the situation that Ricardo Centurión is going through. “He cut off communication with us. It’s very sad because we put everything at his disposal. It’s been a week, almost 10 days, since we have had no information about him. “We want to find him because in this situation it became difficult.”

Faced with the question about the whereabouts of the forward with a past in several Argentine soccer clubs, including Boca Juniors, in the last few hours it was learned that Ricky would be at his family home and would enjoy good health despite not attending the practices, as confirmed on Crónica TV.

“He is with his family and in good health, we can confirm that,” said journalist Mariela Fernández during the morning program on the news signal. “She doesn’t train, but the main thing is that she is at home,” they added in the segment.

Along the same lines, former Racing footballer Hugo Lamadrid, who currently works as a panelist on the program Nadie Nos Para, hosted by Beto Casella on Rock & Pop, commented that he had spoken moments before with Berlanga off the microphone, and that confirmed this information. “I chatted with him for a few minutes, and it is not that Ricardo Centurión is missing, but that they have not had communication with him for ten days, he turned off all the phones. What they also know is that he is with the family, that he moved from Puerto Madero to Zona Sur, where he is from,” added the former midfielder who also passed through Mandiyú de Corrientes.

“During all this time they did everything possible and impossible to recover him, not only as a person, but also as a player. In fact, he went to the bench in some games. The concern they have is for the person. Ricardo, through his representative, had told him that he was very happy, that no club treated him like they had treated him in Vélez,” Lamadrid concluded.

Journalist Marcelo Palacios also indicated that he spoke with Berlanga and commented on the details in TyC Sports. “I just broke up with him; Yesterday, when he told me that Ricardo Centurión was not going to training a week, ten days ago, he had probably moved and they did not have a new address. And with these ups and downs that Centurión suffers, the word that he was missing was used and this was a bit alarming, the reality is that he is not going to training and is not having contact with Vélez. And Vélez is looking for him because he wants to help him as a human being, I hope Ricky Centurión allows himself to be helped because Vélez is an institution that wants to shelter and contain him,” he described the situation.

The 31-year-old attacker from Racing has not played an official match since April 16, 2023, when he wore the Barracas Central shirt. Since the arrival of Gustavo Quinteros as coach, the club tried to recover him with a multidisciplinary approach, accompanied by professionals of different kinds. The former Boca and San Lorenzo, who has a contract with Vélez until December 31, 2024, showed up for training at the Olympic Village from the first day and passed the medical check-up after having been inactive for eight months after his brief spell in el Guapo and with uncertainty about his future in professional football.

For this reason, the coach who led Fortín to the final of the League Cup (they lost to Estudiantes on penalties) showed his regret at the latest news. “I’m very sad. I spoke a lot with Ricardo, we all tried to help him as much as we could so that he could play football again and be well, unfortunately we couldn’t. He couldn’t, I hope we can help him so that he can make a recovery, first as a person, as a good man, and then as a soccer player,” stressed the former central marker.

The thing is that the work with Wachiturro, as the club had been stating, had been positive. However, at the close of the last competition, absences from training returned. And, according to Liniers, he also appeared in practice with the crashed car, without a coherent story regarding the incident. They were signs that things were not going well. Then, the aforementioned disappearance of the facilities. And the concern, which is sustained beyond knowing his whereabouts.

2024-06-06 18:48:21
#whereabouts #Ricardo #Centurión #alarming #statements #president #Vélez #long #absence #training


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