Riga City Council collects almost 500,000 euros at one intersection within 4 months

Jānis and his friends drove around Riga on the night of the museum and also reached Sarkandaugava. After some time, the driver received an 85-euro greeting card from the Riga municipal police in his mailbox. The driver turned into an unauthorized place and it was recorded by the camera installed by the municipal police.

Later, looking at the indicated intersection, Jānis realized that he had missed the road sign “drive straight”, as well as another road sign – “no entry”. One unauthorized maneuver cost 85 euros.


Received a fine of 40 euros

There is a confusing situation here, because a broken line is painted on the street, and there is also another road sign indicating that you can also drive in the wrong direction. Yes, I admit my guilt, I understand that I entered an unauthorized place, but why are there two penalties? Why is there a penalty for not following two road signs?

Since the camera was installed here in December, less than nine thousand violations have been recorded, which has added at least 440,180 euros to the wallet of the local authority.

When the organization of road traffic was changed, initially there were physical Riga municipal police crews on duty in this place, then a camera was installed to record violations.

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If initially punishments were applied only for disregarding one road sign, in April the law enforcement officers decided to punish violators mercilessly. If in December, January, February and March approximately 1000 administrative violation protocols were sent out every month, in April the number reached 2276 and in May 2201 protocols.

Kristine Kļaveniece

A representative of the Riga Municipality Police

In March, we found that the “peak” had been reached. Traffic rules were regularly violated at this location. At that moment, we decided to take action against the violators with all the severity of the law. If until then we punished only for the “serious” violation, then from April the punishment will be according to the legislation – if several violations were committed with one maneuver, then you will receive a penalty for each one.

Sworn lawyer Jānis Berovskis points out that this treatment of police regulations, applying two penalties for not observing two adjacent signs, is a debatable issue.

Janis Berovskis

Attorney at Law

In this case, the question is whether there was one violation or several. The act that the person did was one, it was one offense.

The Riga City Council explains that a broken line is painted at the intersection to allow public transport to make the right maneuver, which, unlike private vehicles, is allowed to ignore road signs.

Theoretically, it is planned to rebuild the intersection in the future. The municipality dreams of creating a roundabout in this place, but it is too early to say what the intersection will look like after the reconstruction.

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2024-06-03 16:31:30
#Riga #City #Council #collects #euros #intersection #months


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