Rising Trends of Child Violence and Brutality in Europe: An Alarming Reality

Scenes full of brutality and violence of children beating other children appeared on social media. The minute-and-a-half-long picture was shot on June 11 at around 6:15 p.m. in Wartburgstrasse in the German district of Bieblach. The rapists released the victim only when passers-by approached. writes the newspaper Bild.

“According to the preliminary investigation, there are more than 20 suspects between the ages of 12 and 15. “Four of the attackers are under 14 years old, so they are not criminally responsible,” said the police spokeswoman.

The attackers are of Afghan and Syrian origin. They are being investigated for the crimes of assault, robbery, coercion, threats and insults and restriction of personal freedom.

A 17-year-old British man attacked three people at a high school


The boy chosen by the attackers is German and luckily he only suffered minor injuries.

According to the newspaper, the attack is part of extreme violence among children. According to police statistics, the number of violent crimes involving children increased by 12,377 (+17 percent) last year. The share of suspects of German nationality increased by nine percent, the share of foreign suspects increased by 24.8 percent.

Attacks full of brutal violence are often filmed and posted as a kind of trophy on social networks.

Germany broke up a terrorist cell of children, they wanted to kill



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