RLP Pontivyen Badminton: A Successful Season Breaks Registration Record

The RLP (Pontivyen Secular Awakening) Badminton took stock of its season this Friday, June 21. With 104 members, the registration record since the creation of the club has been broken.

“The emphasis this year was on women’s development with the hosting of a two-day women’s training course, the creation of two 100% women’s interclub teams and the organization of a women’s tournament which brought together around sixty players on January 7 and should be renewed next season,” recalls the president, Guillaume Petitjean. The RLP was represented in 62 tournaments, including 20 youth tournaments. “We will note the place of semi-finalist in men’s doubles in the Brittany championship for Sébastien Le Clainche, that of semi-finalist in Evron and finalist in Argentan for the minor Nathan Mainguet during interregional tournaments, the titles of vice-champion from Morbihan and Brittany for our chick Yéline Le Minier,” adds the president. Seven teams were involved in the interclubs. Two women’s, two mixed in D3 and D4, two men’s elite teams and D3, a veterans team.

Lack of equipment and volunteers at the national tournament

The ninth edition of the national tournament brought together, in February, 389 players for five disciplines and 31 tables. “During this tournament organized over two days in the halls of Kerentré and Le Drogo, we suffered from a limited number of volunteers (35 volunteers) and had to refuse 60 players because we only had twelve courts. We do not have enough approved equipment to organize this national tournament in good conditions. So its sizing will probably need to be reviewed for future editions,” adds Guillaume Petitjean. To continue to develop the club, the managers would like to recover the Sunday morning slot, lost this season.

2024-06-25 16:02:08
#Pontivy #record #number #registrations #RLP #Badminton


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