Romeu: “Barça comes to you and they tell you that you will be important…”

Oriol Romeu, midfielder of FC Barcelona, ​​participated in the program ‘L’Eclipsi’ of 3Cat where he evaluated his season at the Barcelona club and his departure from Girona last summer. The footballer from Ulldecona also explained how he has faced the season on a personal level, after not having the desired minutes on the pitch. “As for the physical aspect, it’s not what I would have liked. Mental issue, either. For errors or individual actions. I overdid my thoughts a little and gave him too many turns at the head,” says Romeu. The Catalan player has not been much of a protagonist with Xavi Hernández and its continuity is up in the airdespite the departure of the one from Terrassa.

Oriol Romeu answered the questions of Roger Escapa, presenter of ‘L’Eclipsi’, about his level offered at Barça and after being in the focus of criticism during many matches. “Am I really capable? I’ve reconsidered it many times, but yes. When I was on the bench, I tried to place myself inside mentally for when Xavi told me to come on. Already in the field, the adrenaline is higher and if he lost a game he couldn’t sleep… it’s different to be on the bench than on the grass.”

Romeo has disputed 38 games this season, only 17 as a starter for a total of 1,435 minutes. At 32 years old, he is awaiting the plans of the new Barcelona coach Hansi Flick to know if he will continue next season. The player has two more years of contract, although he does not want to repeat another experience of living in ostracism.

The one from Ulldecona wants to remain in the football elite with prominence and, if not, I would study proposalscom it can be that of Girona. The pivot feels good physically and able to continue: “I don’t know where I see myself. What I know is that at 27 years old I thought that at 32 or 33, I would retire, but it is true that now I have found routines that have helped a lot and I hope to last much longer“.

The midfielder from Ulldecona, who started as a starter and a fixture in Barça’s pivot, gradually lost confidence to the point where he disappeared from the lineups. With the passing of the months, we have barely been seeing the ebrenc drop by drop. If in the first meetings the ex-Southampton man was praised as a successful bet, with the passage of the days Romeu’s performance was something that decreased.

In fact, they even compared him to Busquets, but the player is clear that he has never thought about this. It was clear that his job was not going to be this, but to add to the rotation and contribute his knowledge of the house after having been brought up at Barça. “I really value what Busquets has done but I didn’t come with the intention of replacing him. I demanded more from myself than what they said.”

Ulldecona lived happy times in Girona. 33 games, two goals and great relevance in Míchel’s gear.

Last summer, Barça incorporated him in the ‘Pablo Torre’ operation and he signed for the Barcelona club to become the starting pivot. The one from Ulldecona accepted the offer from the first moment. “When you make a decision, you do it with what you have on the table… me probably I would make the same decision if it happened again. Barça comes to you with an offer and they tell you that you will be very important… Then you learn if it turns out one way or another”.

Romeo’s performance has been decreasing. In fact, the player believes it has been a matter of minutes… and physics. “As for the physical aspect, not what I would have liked. Mental issue, either. For errors or individual actions”.

Romeo also reviewed some aspects of his personal life. The one from Ulldecona has proven to be a different and honest person: “I love reading, watching the sunrise and I always try to go to bed early and be ready for everything. I focus a lot on my kids and you try to compensate when you’re at home as I spend a lot of time with the team away. I also love to cook, it’s my passion.”

When asked about the salaries of his teammates, he says that in the Barça dressing room they don’t talk about that, but about winning. “Me seeing and meeting players, it’s the least talked about. The important thing is the goals and winning. When you play well, you sleep better. Many players end up ruined because they lack financial advice. Today the players are more prepared.”

2024-06-06 17:07:26
#Romeu #Barça #important..


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