Royal Chevrolet of Repentigny Heads to Mid-Season Tournament After Victory

Illustrative image from Dépositphotos.

After pocketing a 12-6 victory on June 19 against the Dukes of Longueuil, the Royal Chevrolet of Repentigny will be back in action on Thursday (June 27) as part of its debut at the mid-season tournament of the Quebec Junior Elite Baseball League.

For the occasion, the Lanaudière squad will travel to Stade Gary-Carter to face the Tyrans de Gatineau.

The two teams shared the honors of a doubleheader on June 16 at the Flavio-Prata Stadium.

The Royal ranks 3rd in the LBJEQ general rankings with a record of 13 wins and 3 losses, but the Lanaudière brigade has 5 games in hand over the best team on the circuit, the St-Eustache Bisons.

The Repentigny season will resume on July 5 with a home duel against the Trois-Rivières Aigles.

2024-06-26 17:40:35
#RoyalTyrans #duel #start #midseason #tournament


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