Ruben Van Gucht bonds the European Championship with his Tour manager: “I choose the Red Devils”

Ruben Van Gucht does not let go of the Red Devils in Germany for a second, but his cycling heart also continues to beat. In between all the football matches at the European Championship, he put together his Sporza Tour Manager.

Ruben Van Gucht has been immersed in the German European Championship circus for several weeks, but our reporter will also be following the Tour de France with suspicion.

His Tour manager has become a combination of both worlds. “I have named my team the Red Devils.”

“Because I am completely in EC mode, I went all out for the Belgians. I have supplemented them with the top favourites.”

In our XL preview, José De Cauwer already said that the Belgians could win 10 stages and Ruben Van Gucht follows that line of thought.

Will the fairytale become reality and will other Belgians such as Laurens De Plus, Tim Wellens or Gianni Vermeersch seize their chance, in addition to the usual suspects Remco Evenepoel, Wout van Aert and Jasper Philipsen?

2024-06-28 08:27:44
#Ruben #Van #Gucht #bonds #European #Championship #Tour #manager #choose #Red #Devils


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