Russia’s Judo Boycott: Controversy at Paris Olympics

Paris, June 29, 2024 – Russia to boycott judo events at Paris Olympics The Russian Judo Federation has described the conditions imposed by the IOC as ‘humiliating’; it will not send its judokas

Tourists in Paris Russia to boycott judo events at Paris Olympics (Reuters) The Russian Judo Federation has announced it will not send its athletes to the Paris Olympics due to “humiliating conditions” imposed by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Seventeen Russian judokas had earned enough points to compete in Paris, but only 14 of them could be accepted, as there can only be one athlete from each country in each judo category. In the end, “the IOC only approved four of them,” the Russian body criticised.

with information from

2024-06-29 16:39:27
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