Saint-Vallier Falls Short in Match 1 of Men’s Nationale 1 Final

  • Enjoy the rest of the evening !

    Thank you all for following this meeting with us. Go to to find the report of this match 1 of the men’s Nationale 1 final.

  • 68-77

    Saint-Vallier drops match 1

    In the lead for a large part of the match, Saint-Vallier experienced a nightmarish start to the last quarter. Philippe Namyst’s men have more than five minutes to score their first point in this period…

    Consequence: the SVBD did a very bad job by losing this match 1, at home, 68-77. The Drômois are now obliged to win next Friday, at 8:30 p.m., on the floor of Caen during match 2. In the event of victory, the victory is scheduled for Sunday June 16 (3:30 p.m.).

    With his back against the wall, Saint-Vallier has one week to prepare as best as possible for his last chance match.

  • 68-77

    Caen managed these last seconds well, recovered free throws and sealed the deal. The Normans will win this match 1!

  • 68 – 72

    Geu slams 2 points that feels good on the SVBD side.

  • 66 – 72

    There are two possessions left in total….and 55 seconds to play…to go up 7 points…

  • 66 – 72

    What a tense end to the match! The SVBD must win at all costs to take the advantage in the first match in this final, and the affair seems to be getting worse and worse with 1 min and 45 seconds left to play

  • 22:24

    One out of two for Kebe, and with 3 minutes remaining, the score is still 64-69 for the visitors

  • 63 – 69

    Caen continues to dig in, but Saint-Vallier will be entitled to two free throws to get back on track

  • 63 – 64

    Just one more point to raise for the SVBD

  • 58 – 62

    Things are getting complicated for Saint-Vallier who will have to find the solution to move forward, because this 4th and final quarter is taking a very ugly turn. There are 5 minutes and 20 seconds left, and Caen leads by 4 points.

  • 58 – 60

    And here is Caen passing in front of the SVBD….

  • 58 – 58

    AIE Aie Aie ! The two teams are now tied. It becomes tense on the floor, and the locals seem to be looking for their second wind with only 8 minutes left to play in this game.

  • 58 – 55

    The atmosphere is unbreathable and the suspense complete in Saint-Vallier, and the CBC is now 3 points behind the premises.

  • 58 – 53

    The SVBD is experiencing a slight dip at the end of the 3rd quarter. We will have to hold on to the Caen comeback.

  • 53 – 39

    While the CBC had recovered part of its deficit in the last minute of the 2nd quarter, Saint-Vallier regained momentum and delivered a masterclass on its floor. Geu has just added 2 points, and put the Drômois 14 points ahead!

  • 46 – 37

    And Florent Tortosa who adds two points to the bill! Tonight, it looks like it’s the winger’s tour!

  • 21:42

    The second period begins!

    Here we go again at the Deux-Rives complex!

  • 44 – 37

    It’s halftime at Deux-Rives

    It’s halftime at Deux-Rives, and the SVBD leads 44-37. The end of the 2nd quarter was complicated for the locals, and Caen was able to make up part of its deficit, but Saint-Vallier remains in the lead and we don’t see how that could change as the atmosphere is crazy here!

  • 41 – 31

    And three more points for the SVBD, 1’30 from half-time!!

  • 36 – 26

    There are 3’40 left to play in this second quarter, and the SVBD leads by 10 points after Jeff Kebe’s goal!

  • 31 – 25

    Since the series had to end, Perfect Njiba, formerly of the SVBD now in Caen, has just scored his team’s first winning shot, during the 9th attempt!

  • 31 – 22

    There’s not much that comes in on the Caen side, and there aren’t many people that this offends in Deux-Rives, quite the contrary! There are just over 6 minutes left in the second quarter and SVBD continues to build their lead.

  • 31 – 20

    Florent Tortosa who hits his 3 point and gives his team an 11 point lead. He takes the opportunity to warm up the crowd and send kisses to the supporters!

  • 28 – 20

    Do you want another “as long as it lasts”? Yes ? Well know that Caen currently has a zero score after its 6 attempts beyond the paint!

  • 20:59

    It’s back to Deux-Rives!

  • 25 – 18 25-18

    Saint-Vallier leads by 8 points after the first quarter!

    It’s the end of the first quarter, and Saint-Vallier is so far on time in this hotly contested match between two sharp teams. Hope it lasts !

  • 20:54

    The referee grants two throws to the SVBD, Cazenobe will work on it.

  • 20:49

    Dumortier responds for the SVBD (16-13)!

  • 14 – 11

    There are 3’30 left in this first quarter, and Morelia has just scored 2 points for the CBC.

  • 20:44

    After 5’30 of play, Saint-Vallier seemed to be doing well and was in the lead.

  • 20:42

    And three more points for the SVBD, signed Ferguson!

  • 20:41

    Siegwarth makes two free throws and brings the CBC to 1 point.

  • 20:37

    First shot and first 3 points for Jazzmarr Ferguson! Saint-Vallier takes the lead (7-4)!

  • 20:33

    Let’s go to Saint-Vallier!!

    The first possession is for the SVBD!

  • 20:28

    That’s it, the players enter the floor, only two minutes left to wait friends 🙂

  • 20:27

    The major 5 of Caen: Siegwarth, Mutuale, Bassoumba, Davis Jr, Njiba.

  • 20:27

    The top five from St. Vallier: Kebe, Ferguson, Ateba, Geu, Cazenobe.

  • 20:25

    That’s it, the major 5 of each team has just been communicated.

  • 20:24

    Sometimes in difficulty during the first phase of the championship, the Saint-Valliérois then had a good second phase, and have continued to gain momentum since the play-offs. After proving irresistible during match 3 last weekend in Tarbes, here they are against Caen and there are only 6 minutes left before the start of the match.

  • 20:21

    As a reminder, the challenge is simple for the SVBD: win this first match and gain the upper hand from the first evening of this final in order to travel to Caen with a precious lead and psychological ascendancy. Small clarification which can prove useful for basketball novices: goal average is not taken into account during final phase matches.

  • 20:16

    There are only 15 minutes left to wait before the start of the meeting. The moment chosen by the speaker to warm up the audience and raise the temperature!

  • 20:13

    The stands are finally filling up, it is stiflingly hot in the room, the flags and the drums are out, and most of the spectators respected the yellow and red “dress code”. Everything comes together to create a fiery atmosphere and push behind the SVBD!

  • 20:10

    Uncertain weather for this meeting Oumarou Sylla, victim of a torn thigh, will be able to play well this evening. On the Caen side, captain Mounir Bernaoui, victim of a torn bone in his foot, is indeed out.

  • 20:05

    The manager of the Saint-Vallier team has just made a remarkable entrance onto the Deux-Rives floor. Philippe Namyst, who injured his Achilles tendon last weekend in Tarbes, and who had to be operated on during the week, arrived in a wheelchair and with his leg in a cast. He will follow the match in these circumstances, from the sidelines.

  • 20:03

    In the opposing ranks, the Saint-Vallierois public will find some of their former protégés: Alexis Thomas and Perfect Njiba. The latter should not, however, be entitled to any preferential treatment from Drôme supporters.

  • 20:02

    While it is officially the last match of the season at Deux-Rives, the Drôme venue has benefited from arrangements which will allow it to accommodate nearly 2,500 people who will make as much noise as possible to encourage their team…And destabilize the opponent of course!

  • 20:02

    But before that, time for this first match! And here is the composition of the teams: Saint-Vallier: Pineau, Ferguson, Sylla, Cazenobe, Tortosa, Derradji, Ateba, Kebe, Geu, Dumortier, Ramseyer, Morata. Caen: Coulibaly, Rojewski, Ona Embo, Siegwarth, Jakstas, Mutuale, Thomas, Norelia, Bassoumba, Davis, Njiba, Blanc.

  • 19:59

    To do this, it will be necessary to achieve two victories against the Caennais, match 2 being scheduled for Friday the 14th (8:30 p.m.) in Normandy. In the event of a tie between the two teams at the end of the first two matches, a nice match will take place on Sunday 15 (3:30 p.m.) to decide between them and designate the one who will take the elevator to Pro B.

  • 19:58

    In the sights of course, nothing other than a victory for the Rouge et Jaune in order to put themselves on the right track for a third accession to Pro B in the space of 17 years, after 2007 and 2021.

  • 19:57

    Good evening, and welcome live from the Deux-Rives sports complex where Saint-Vallier hosts Caen for match 1 of the N1 final.

  • 2024-06-07 21:32:00
    #ball #Mens #National #Due #missed #quarter #SaintVallier #lost #Caen #relive #match #final


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