Santa Pola to Host Provincial and Regional Archery Championships in June and July

Santa Pola will host the provincial and regional archery championships

The José Vicente Ballesteros field will host the Alicante Provincial Championship organized by the Santa Bárbara de Alicante Archery Club on June 23, while the CICA Alnadur Club has presented the Autonomous Championship for July 7.

Today these two championships that will be held at the José Vicente Ballesteros archery field, located in the Els Xiprerets sports area, were presented in the plenary hall of the Santa Pola City Council.

The Santa Bárbara Club of Alicante organizes the outdoor provincial on June 23. Miguel Martí, president of the club, thanked “the CICA for its collaboration so that we can take on this challenge and the Santa Pola City Council for giving us these magnificent facilities.”

For his part, Manuel Fuentes, president of the CICA Alnadur Club, presented “the autonomous trophy of the Valencian Community in the open air, which will be held on July 7 starting at 8:30.” José Vicente Ballesteros added that “it is an honor to have this magnificent shooting range in Santa Pola and that other clubs can organize their tournaments here.”

The Sports Councilor Ángel Piedecausa highlighted “the brotherhood between the clubs that has allowed Santa Pola to be congratulated by hosting these two tournaments. For our part, we are delighted to collaborate to have the best archery specialists in the Valencian Community in our town, with the commitment that the next project that we will carry out in this facility will be to provide shade to the shooting range.”

2024-06-06 06:56:47
#Santa #Pola #host #provincial #regional #archery #championships


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