Savita Russo Secures 12th Italian Individual Pass for Paris Olympics

The news had been in the air for a few days, last night the official announcement arrived: Savita Russo wins the 12th Italian individual pass for the Paris Olympicstaking advantage of the continental quota!

The Sicilian athlete will therefore represent Italy in the 63kg category, bringing Koizumi and Scicli to the most important sporting stage in the world.

The definitive confirmation has therefore arrived, even if numbers and rankings had already given it as a concrete possibility. The letter announcing to CONI the qualification of Savita Russo for the Olympics in Paris in the 63 kg has been delivered, therefore by virtue of the continental quota the Italian Judo has acquired the twelfth individual pass.

There are several factors that, aligning themselves, explain the Fijlkam – they create the opportunity for Olympic qualification at continental quota. And that’s exactly what happened to Savita Russo.

The continental quota for Europe is reserved for twelve athletes and the same number of athletes in total, with the limit that each individual nation can benefit from only one quota.

After the world championship Savita was fourteenth, but Nyman, the 90 kg Swede, winning the last two Opens, in Marrakech and the Ivory Coast, surpassed the score of her compatriot Eriksson, who thus lost her share, causing our athlete to slip in thirteenth place, the first of the excluded. Then came a disqualification for doping, which automatically freed up a continental quota, which went to Savita Russo.

“We knew and hoped that Savita could return with the continental quota – explained Italy’s women’s head coach Francesco Bruyere – It wasn’t easy, but as they say, fortune favors the brave and this audacity is made up of a lot of work and sacrifice on the part of of this girl, who absolutely deserves this qualification for the exponential growth path she has had in recent months. Congratulations go to her, to her club and to her Maestro Maurizio Pelligra who, together with all the staff of the national team, have never stopped believing in her. Seven out of seven athletes qualified is a historic result that fills us with pride and increases our potential for success in Paris.”20240426 Francesco Bruyere

A small record also for coach Francesco Bruyere, given that only Japan, France, Israel and Italy have all the women qualified!

“We have achieved the first objective set and to say that I am proud of the result obtained does not give an adequate idea, when history is written it is always exciting, the hope is that this record can find continuity in the years to come. -added Francesco Bruyere- Three years ago President Falcone asked me how many categories I thought I would qualify for and I obviously replied 7, I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I was sure we could do it given the great potential of Italian judo. In recent years we have invested and optimized the resources made available to achieve this result and all this required a lot of work, professionalism and a great sacrifice from everyone, now we can look back happy with the path we have made. This is truly an incredible team and the 7 Olympians are the spearhead of an exceptional and constantly growing movement. Obviously the credit goes first and foremost to the athletes, their clubs and their coaches with whom in recent years we have managed to find an excellent synergy and a common way to achieve this great result. I would therefore like to personally thank all of them, all the national team staff, the entire health department, all the professional figures who revolve around our athletes and all the staff of the federal offices who support us on a daily basis on our journey. Special thanks go to all the athletes, who, following the principle of friendship and mutual prosperity, contribute every day to the success of these great champions. We will show up in Paris with one of the strongest teams ever, ready to demonstrate our value and realize what we have been working towards for years.

The twelve individual passes”.

Assunta Scutto – 48 kg, Odette Giuffrida – 52 kg, Veronica Toniolo – 57 kg, Alice Bellandi -78 kg, Manuel Lombardo – 73 kg, Christian Parlati – 90 kg, Asya Tavano – +78 kg, Antonio Esposito – 81 kg, Gennaro Pirelli – 100kg, Matteo Piras – 66kg, Kim Polling – 70kg, Savita Russo – 63 kg

2024-06-25 06:03:40
#Scicli #Judo #Savita #Russo #Koizumi #Ecodep #athlete #Paris #Olympics


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