Scaloni’s Humorous Response to Possibility of Lautaro Martínez and Julián Álvarez Playing Together

The Argentine National Team beat Canada 2-0 in the Copa América debut thanks to goals from Julián Álvarez and, later, from Lautaro Martínez after entering in place of the Spider. At a press conference, Lionel Scaloni was asked about the possibility of them playing together in an upcoming match and the Albiceleste coach had a funny response.

Scaloni’s funny answer about whether Lautaro Martínez and Julián Álvarez can play together

This Thursday night, Scaloni opted for Julián Álvarez as the starting center forward to face Canada and responded by opening the scoring. With 15 minutes left, the coach took out the Spider and put on Lautaro Martínez, who in one of the last moments scored a great goal. Quickly, one of the questions that arose at the press conference was the one evaluating the possibility of them playing together.

“We look for balance, we are a team that needs it, who wouldn’t like both of them to play, Leo (Messi), Ángel (Di María)? And I defend… It’s reality and they understand it, they are the first. It hurts because they are two top-level forwards; one goes around and around, but if you find the solution it would be good for you to tell me,” Scaloni responded and generated laughter from those present.

Later in the talk with journalists, when the Lautaro-Julián topic came up again, Scaloni was forceful: “The whole Cup will be like this, guys. Hopefully it will be until the final; if nothing strange happens, it will be your question in all the press conferences”.

First time that Lautaro and Julián score goals in the same match

Whether sharing the field or entering for each other, this was the first time that Julián Álvarez and Lautaro Martínez scored at least one goal each in the same match. La Araña has nine goals in the senior team and El Toro, 24; but they had never agreed to inflate the net in the same match… until this duel against Canada.

2024-06-21 10:02:10
#Scalonis #funny #answer #Lautaro #Martínez #Julián #Álvarez #play #defend..


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