Score a Deal: Tmall Dicos Badminton Racket Set for Only 14.9 Yuan with Coupon

Tmall[Dicos flagship store]

The daily price of the Decos badminton racket D0 + 3 balls + racket bag is 29.9 yuan. Get a 15 yuan coupon and pay 14.9 yuan including shipping:

Tmall Dicos badminton racket set 3 balls + racket bag 14.9 yuan after coupon, get 15 yuan coupon

This promotional model is a basic entry-level model. It is suitable for beginners who are going to physical education classes at the beginning of the school year or just playing around when they have nothing to do.

If you have higher requirements for the racket, you can consider the rear model.

The table tennis rackets promoted before require a table tennis table to play, but this time, the badminton rackets can be played by just finding an open square on a windless day.

The weather is getting warmer, guys, get moving~

The following is a product introduction of Dicos badminton racket:

Tmall Dicos badminton racket set 3 balls + racket bag 14.9 yuan after coupon, get 15 yuan coupon

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2024-06-28 07:59:56
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