SEB Arena Presents #LIKĘ: A Photographic Exhibition by Ramūnas Danisevičius

The “SEB Arena” welcomes its visitors – lovers of tennis, badminton, squash and their friends – with a new photographic exhibition. The walls of the arena were decorated with the exhibition #LIKĘ by the famous Lithuanian photojournalist Ramūnas Danisevičius.

Most of the works exhibited in the arena are moments of everyday life captured by R. Danisevičius’ cell phone and already published in the author’s solo exhibition Facebook and Instagram accounts. Some photos from the exhibition are accompanied by authentic comments from followers of R. Danisevičius’ accounts.

Ovidijus Jurevičius, marketing director of SEB Arena, is happy that visitors to the arena can admire the exceptional works of one of the most famous Lithuanian photographers.

“We are not just a sports and wellness center. I am happy that the idea, born some time ago, to dedicate some areas of the arena, is gaining momentum and that the photo exhibition of the best Lithuanian photojournalist club has been replaced by the works by R. Danisevičius. It is great that this exhibition, which has traveled to many cities and spaces in Lithuania, has finally come to us,” says O. Jurevičius.

R. Danisevičius, when asked some time ago what the point is in organizing exhibitions if the photos end up on social networks, said that it is an excellent way to meet in person and communicate both with the people who follow his work on social networks and with those those who have accounts on social networks have no networks. “You can have thousands of friends on Facebook and feel very alone when you go out on the street. That’s why I want to have exhibitions, see friends and chat with those who follow my work outside of social networks,” explained the photographer.

The exhibition #LIKĘ by R. Danisevičius is planned to be exhibited in the “SEB Arena” throughout the winter season.

2024-06-24 22:15:19
#LIKĘ #exhibition #photographic #artist #Ramūnas #Danisevičiaus #spaces #SEB #Arena


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