Seebold takes 12th place in the BMX freestyle competition in Budapest and does not win a ticket to the OS

The best result in the final was achieved by the Frenchman Antoni Jeanjean, who scored 93.40 points, leaving behind the American Marcus Christopher with 92.98 points.

On Friday, in the qualification, Seebold scored 80.93 points in the first race, and 81.45 points in the second. The average obtained 81.19 points gave 11th place in the competition of 24 athletes.

In the competition held in Shanghai a month ago, the Ventpilski was only a little short of entering the final.

After two qualification stages, in which 24 athletes from 15 countries fought for the six remaining tickets to the Olympics, Seebold accumulated 57 points and ranked 13th without qualifying for the Olympics.

Another five Olympic Games quotas will be distributed according to the results of the 2022 and 2023 World Championships, while one place also goes to host country France.

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2024-06-22 18:39:44
#Seebold #takes #12th #place #BMX #freestyle #competition #Budapest #win #ticket


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