Shades of Pink: A Unique Color Palette for Paris 2024 Sports Equipment

A unique color palette with pink as a common thread

To define the design of sports equipment, Paris 2024 first assigned a major color to each sports site. Three key colors were chosen: blue, green and purple. Thus, the sites are broken down into three distinct groups:

Touches of rose will serve as a link between these three groups, this color being the visual common thread in all the Paris 2024 provisions. It is found in the Look of the Games but also in the signage present in the capital to help you find your way, or even on the uniforms. Why pink? For its joyful connotation, its modernity and for the contrast it creates in the color palettes.

The colors of sports equipment are then determined by the major color of each site. Thus, for athletics, which will take place at the Stade de France, a purple site, the track will be purple, with a few shades of pink. For sport climbing, which will take place at Le Bourget, a green site, the climbing wall will be in shades of green, always with hints of pink.

All sports equipment is available using the patterns and symbols of the “Look of the Games” (polka dots, stripes), elements of the Paris 2024 brand (rings or agitos, emblem, etc.) or even the pictogram of the discipline.

Constraints to take into account for each sport

Paris 2024 had to adapt while respecting the constraints imposed by the specificities of certain sports, such as the technicality of the equipment and respect for sporting performance. This is the case, for example, with the surf swimsuit.

“We came to work on the pictogram as a pattern to highlight the inserts, while respecting sporting constraints because in surfing jerseys you need very different colors that can be seen from afar on camera, even when they are wet” , specifies Camille Yvinec.

Conversely, the visual cursors could be pushed for certain equipment, such as the rugby 7 ball, which has colors, patterns and the Paris 2024 brand. Same observation for the blind football ball, on which we find the agitos, a work marked on pink and all the elements of Look of the Games.

2024-06-20 08:56:13
#Basketball #ball #water #polo #whistle.. #Discover #sports #equipment #Olympic #Paralympic #Games


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