Six years in a row he was the leading hitter

“Even the butterfly cow has the internet”… Simón Díaz.

Today, Tuesday and tomorrow, are Mail Days. Please send me your full name and the town or city where you are writing to me from. Very thankful.

Héctor Peña, from Los Teques, asks, “What is the record for the most consecutive years being the leader at bat in the Major Leagues and who has it?”

Friend Jeity: The record is six years old, and it has been held since 1925 by Rogers Hornsby, second baseman for the St. Louis Cardinals. In 1920, he was champion with 370; in 1921, 397; 1922, 401; in 1923, 384; in 1924, 424; 1925, 403.

Several readers, from different countries, complain because the column is not appearing with the usual regularity. I was informed yesterday Monday that there are difficulties with the internet.

They say they are repairing. I write and send every day, as always. Thanks for worrying. And let’s be patient.

Rodrigo Gutiérrez, from Reynosa, Tamaulipas, sent this message: “Old age says goodbye in the morning, when I bathe, shave and enjoy the company of my friends around the steaming coffee.”

Néstor Zambrano, from Maracaibo, asks: “Can a pitcher decide if he is a starter or a reliever?”

Friend Nes: That decision is not necessary, since the Academies and the minor leagues prepare each pitcher for the specialty they can best perform, according to their abilities.

Ender Juvencio, from Santiago, Chile, asks: “What do you think of Major League Baseball’s decision to absorb the numbers of the 2,300 Negro Leagues players, which places Josh Gibson as the all-time leader in various departments?”.

Friend Endo: It seems very good to me. That is integration, and it facilitates the study of the Negro Leagues.

Rosiland Procuna, from Los Angeles, requests: “I don’t know if you already answered my question, because there have been several days here without your column appearing. Please, I’m the one who asked you, “Is it true that there are Mexican Major League players who never played in Mexico?”

Friend Shila: According to “Puro Beisbol”, that is true and they say there have been 10. But there are only nine, since Ben Greenwood, whom they include, is Irish. The nine truly natives of Mexico are the following and the first four are already retired: Jesse Flores, Luis Gómez, Yovani Gallardo, Marco Estrada, Luis Cessa, Julio Urías, Alejandro Kirk, Andrés Muñoz, Luis González.

By the way, they include Andrés Nuñoz, but he is Muñoz, born in Los Mochis.

Thanks to the life that has given me so much, even a reader like you.

2024-06-04 10:00:00
#years #row #leading #hitter


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