Spalletti’us a Panda you Ferrari? Bad taste allusion – Football

“Switzerland a Ferrari and Italy a Panda? Bad taste allusion”. Luciano Spalletti responded thus to a Swiss journalist who compared Yakin’s Switzerland to a Ferrari and the Azzurri to a Panda in a press conference after their elimination from Euro 2024. “We have to accept everything – added the Azzurri coach responding to the latest question from the press conference after the knockout with Switzerland – even allusions in bad taste like yours.

I understand that you are a person of great irony and quality. You are right, you were better than us, you deserved to win. We will try to do better next time, since we were unable to put you in difficulty”.

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2024-06-29 22:02:54
#Spallettius #Panda #Ferrari #Bad #taste #allusion #Football


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