Sport Business conquers at the Adidas Arena

SPORT BUSINESS OBSERVATORY – The BPI France Meneurs team aims to bring together all the players in sport and its economy. The roadmap is clear, structure and challenge sport business.

Wednesday June 5, the meeting took place at the Adidas Arena. A day entirely dedicated to reporting on the work and meeting inspiring and impactful speakers from a sport business in perpetual motion.

The global sports market is valued at 800 billion dollars. On the French side, the sports sector represents more than 448,000 jobs including 115,000 within the 360,000 associations in the sector. This economic weight of sport, brought to 2.7% you PIB national shows its power and its striking force. In terms of the message to convey, the initiatives to build, the imprint to leave, it is as a true actor in a society that moves, takes shape and breaks the codes, that it positions itself in a transversal and societal way. .

Sport business between definition and action

The sports industry has become essential. Or rather the sport that stands out as unbeatable. A true actor, leader and builder, what was yesterday a tool for cohesion, inclusion and self-improvement has become in just a few years a formidable showcase for a thousand opportunities to be seized with a special place given to the ambitious and daring that we obviously also conjugates in the feminine.

Sport Business conquers at the Adidas Arena MediaSpoliS

With the hosting of major sporting events, France is now the spearhead of a business that only needs to grow while keeping passion at the heart of the actions and projects carried out in the territory. From this follows a deployment around the emergence of new collaborative logics which are part of a heritage and a territorial network in order to democratize the practice of sport at the heart of communities, a central point mentioned in particular by Anne-Lise Titon for the National Sports Agency which comes up during his speech on the new governance of sport desired by the Head of State.

A powerful vector of economic development for municipalities, the renovation and/or construction of ever more modern infrastructure and equipment attracts more people and tourism but also promotes and perpetuates regular and appreciated sporting practice, recommended at a time when a sedentary lifestyle is gaining ground. These are the comments reported and shared by certain speakers such as Mathieu Hanotin, mayor of Saint-Denis and President of Plaine Commune or even Jean-Luc Sadik, President of TPS Conseil SAS.

The discussions continue with attentive participants and the testimony of those who play the sport. And who together co-construct it to shape it to the needs of society and the socio-economic challenges of an increasingly altruistic world where sport can and must remain this universal language which infuses all strata of society.

A message recalled by the first woman President of a CROS, Evelyne CIRIEGI, at the head of Ile-de-France Regional Olympic and Sports Committee and President of the Regional Sports Conference: “In Île-de-France, we are 2.5 million practitioners but many more are impacted by what sport implies in terms of values ​​and surpassing oneself with projects for the benefit of Ile-de-France residents for an attractive, inclusive and sporting territory. We must remember our territorial network and the unfailing commitment of the base, namely the volunteers without whom nothing would be possible and whom we will welcome in large numbers, particularly at Club France which will be the place of gathering and inspiration around the team. tricolor for a global celebration that brings together all generations”.

Sport Business conquers at the Adidas Arena MediaSpoliS

Among the other strong testimonies, that of the former European cycling champion Severine Desbouys, who won two stages of the women’s Tour de France. With modesty and at the same time strength, she looks back on her journey, her obstacles and this relentless desire to never give up. She talks about her career change and the business manager she has become: “You have to find yourself and dare. Always break down barriers and move forward even in the face of difficulty. This is the strength of top athletes. Fall and get up ».

These women who come « Lead-Her » are a real step forward for an event which highlights them (finally!) with the arrival of Michele Kang who takes the microphone alongside Magali Tezenas de Montcel (Sporsora) to explain how we run a business and invest in the service of women and women’s sport. Boldness first and determination second. An echo found in the words of Laura Georges, former international footballer who, upon accessing a governance position within the French Football Federation, greets Brigitte Henriques (first woman to direct the CNOSF), who inspired and imposed that women are better heard and considered in the authorities.

Sport Business conquers at the Adidas Arena MediaSpoliS

Obviously, the day will have evoked so many areas of reflection and action that it calls for others. Moments where coming together to move forward becomes a common goal and a vision essential to the legacy we want to build after the Olympic and Paralympic Games. In this regard, the alliance between sport and business is more than ever on the agenda.

In 50 days, after the Adidas Arena, Club France will be the place where all the players, from the club volunteer, to the supporter, to the investor, including the athlete, the sponsor and even the volunteer, decision-maker, actor, will have his place and will make his voice heard. That of a passionate sport which transmits strong emotions and which allows performance to generate major and constructive societal and economic enthusiasm.

Long live sport everywhere, for everyone and at all ages!


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