Sports en Fête Afternoon at Bono: A Success Thanks to Ideal Weather and Récré’Active Association Program

A program provided by the Récré’Active association and ideal weather made the Sports en fête afternoon at Bono a great success.

“We had to open registrations well before the scheduled time, as the crowds were so large,” rejoice the two elected officials, Emmanuelle Rotiel and Anne-Sophie Barrère.

On the grounds of the municipal stadium and in the facilities surrounding it, the many young people present were able to learn about sporting activities and attend demonstrations. Those performed by free-style footballer Maël Auffret were a great success.

Maël Auffret seduced the young audience during his free-style football demonstrations.

The mini-tag competition has chosen its two winners. These are Victot Luyer and Soline Mary, who will defend the colors of Bono during the Grand Tag d’Arradon on June 29 and 30.

2024-06-02 11:38:42
#Sports #full #swing #Saturday #afternoon #Bono


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