Sports Journalist Sandro Sabatini Praises Italy’s Euro 2024 Hero Zaccagni

Joseph Biscotti28/06/2024 10:06

In a video on YouTube, sports journalist Sandro Sabatini had some sweet words for one of the protagonists of the National team.

Sometimes in football luck counts more than anything else. L’Italia she reached the round of 16 of the European Championships thanks to a goal seven seconds from the end, otherwise she would have gone. She talked about it too Sandro Sabatini on his Youtube channel: “We are in the round of 16 and it’s all thanks to Zaccagni, because if he hadn’t scored we would have been eliminated since we weren’t among the best third-place teams. But was there talk of Zaccagni? I’ve seen great stories about Calafiori’s descent and not about Zaccagni’s great artistic stroke”.

“I also heard people say: “Zaccagni just had to put it in”, well I don’t know if even with the game stopped and without opponents in the first minute instead of the last someone would have managed to score that goal. Zaccagni is a player who should be celebrated, instead I saw that a lot of space was given to the video of the child and his wife Chiara, beautiful and I was moved too” continued the well-known sports journalist.

“But Zaccagni has a history, he has qualities, characteristics, he played for Verona when he was discovering talents and in my opinion all this has been overlooked a bit” concluded Sabatini.

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Giuseppe BiscottiGraduated in business economics, he has been a freelance journalist since 2021. Born and raised in Caserta, he has been collaborating with online newspapers since 2017. He follows football with experiences as a correspondent in Serie A stadiums.Extended bio and list of articles


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