STC Salzburg’s Season of Success: A Recap of Their Bundesliga Journey

Missed the final but still left the court satisfied: That’s how the season at newly promoted STC Salzburg can be summed up. As a newcomer to the league, Salzburg marched straight into the semi-finals of the Tennis Bundesliga, where they were unable to pull off a major sensation against Schwaz.

Injury adds to Salzburg’s personnel worries

In the Bundesliga semi-final in Tyrol, Salzburg played well, but were unable to hold their own over the full distance due to the tense personnel situation. Gustav Dressler also had serious back problems. The Salzburg player even had to be taken to hospital with breathing difficulties. “Maybe we’ve just used up our luck. We were missing a few players,” said sports boss Valentin Snobe to SALZBURG24 afterwards.

Snobe: “We had chances to win here”

Nevertheless, they could have taken something with them from the Inn Valley, said Snobe: “We had chances to win here. Schwaz ultimately made good use of the home advantage. Of course it’s bitter for us now, but if we get into the top three as a newly promoted team, we can be very proud of ourselves,” the Salzburg team can be satisfied with their season as a newly promoted team. At least: “Now we have a goal for next season,” Snobe was able to smile again after the defeat.

SALZBURG24 Lukas Neumayer in an interview with SALZBURG24 sports editor Aleksandar Andonov.

Tennis coup! Salzburg club lures Lukas Neumayer

Achieve more together: This is the motto under which Salzburg’s oldest tennis club STC 1911 presented a new cooperation. The parochial mentality at the Bundesliga club is history, with Lukas Neumayer as …

In the final, Schwaz will now face favorites Mauthausen. The Upper Austrians also won against the Tennis Club Harland (Lower Austria) 7:2.

(Source: SALZBURG24)

2024-06-22 16:24:19
#Salzburgs #tennis #newcomers #beat #Bundesliga #sensation


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