Steven Defour and Isabel Stams Tie the Knot in Intimate Ceremony in the South of France

Steven Defour and Isabel Stams married in an intimate circle. The ex-Red Devil and his new bride tied the knot in the south of France.

Vincent Van Genechten, Nele Coune

Tuesday June 4, 2024 at 12:40

In July, Defour got down on one knee in front of his flame at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp (KMSKA), surrounded by hundreds of candles. Later that year, Stams quit as a digital marketing specialist at Adidas, a job she held in Amsterdam for just over two years. In December, the lovebirds moved to Heusden-Zolder, where they had bought a villa in the woods together.

And the civil wedding took place in mid-May. “The ceremonial part and the big party will follow in the south of France at the beginning of June,” said 36-year-old Defour in Gazet van Antwerpen about his marriage to Isabel Stams (27) from Genk. According to the ex-footballer, we should not expect a grand, bombastic party like Thibaut Courtois’ wedding in Cannes last summer. “More likely with close friends and family,” he said in the same interview.

On Instagram, Stams and Michèle Lacroix, Kevin De Bruyne’s wife and best friend of the house, shared images of the party. The two know each other from the Lyceum of Genk. Isabel subsequently continued her studies in Maastricht, but their bond has never faded. She regularly travels to Manchester to visit the De Bruyne family. She is also godmother to Suri, Kevin and Michèle’s daughter.

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