Striking Blow for Racing: Joao Ortiz Deal Falls Through, Echeverría Emerges as Top Priority

Another reinforcement in Racing that gets complicated. Bad news for Gustavo Costas who had it as an absolute priority. It was plan A that he left with the leadership before going on vacation. And although he knew it was quite complicated, he had the hope of seeing him in the club’s shirt in this second semester. He understands the DT, which is that key piece that is missing for the gear to work perfectly. A complete squad to which he wants to add a plus. Although in this case, he will not be able to be that player that he wanted so much.

The Academy coach had told the leadership that in this transfer market he wanted a central midfielder to become a starter. And the main target was Joao Ortiz, from Independiente del Valle and who is currently playing the Copa América with Ecuador. So far he has not played in either of his national team’s two matches, but he is part of those called up. Costas was excited, but this negotiation has practically fallen through due to his high cost and his age. Two components that make Avellaneda unwilling to make such an effort.

For this reinforcement that Costas wanted for Racing, the Ecuadorian club is asking for 6,000,000 dollars. And according to what they assured this portal,The management is not willing to pay this amount of money considering that he is 28 years old. and that it would have no resale power. This added to the fact that he just spent a little over a year ago almost the same amount for Juan Igancio Nardoni, who plays in the same position. From the coaching staff, beyond the desire to have that player, they understand the CD’s thinking and that is why they have already set their sights on another player who could be more economically accessible.

Echeverría is the priority now as Racing’s reinforcement in the middle

Costas already has another alternative and hopes that the Academy can move for Rodrigo Echeverría in the transfer market. El Globo bought 50% of the Chilean’s transfer from Everton for 500,000 dollars and although they asked for a high amount for a sale, he has an exit clause of 3,500,000 dollars. Money that the Acadé could put up to keep him. A player who is also playing in the Copa Américo, with Chile, and who has been showing a good role in his national team where he is a starter. Joao Ortiz almost ruled out as a reinforcement for Racing

Another thing we like about this possible Racing reinforcement is that he is a multifunctional player. He can play as a central defender, a defensive midfielder and also as a double five with some play. He has been doing the latter in his selection since Ricardo Gareca seeks to have a little more containment in the middle of the field. “If the offer is good, it can be sold,” they told RDA from Parque Patricios. Now the ball is with the Academy leadership, who will have to see if he opens his wallet to go in search of that five that the coach wants so much.

2024-06-27 21:56:15
#reinforcement #Racing #priority #Costas #fallen


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