Success at Belt Tests in Hollager Judo Department Sparks Excitement for New Belts

Before the summer holidays, there were a few belt tests in the Hollager judo department. Three groups of different young judoka achieved the next judo belt and are looking forward to wearing a new color around their waist at the next training session.

Eight children from the Judolinos achieved the white-yellow belt. In addition, the current Judo beginners course ended at the start of the summer holidays. Here, 20 more kids achieved the white-yellow belt. All 28 children can now move to a new group after the holidays and learn the next Judo techniques.
28 other children from the various regular beginner groups passed their yellow belt exam.

Congratulations to all successful candidates and have fun with your new judo belt!

Tim Trappe / Blau-Weiss Hollage, Photos: Blau-Weiss Hollage

2024-06-28 18:53:49
#Hollager #judoka #pass #exam #summer #holidays


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