Success at the ‘Run, Youngsters’ 2024 Autonomous Prefecture Youth Badminton Championship

From June 21st to 23rd, the “Run, Youngsters” 2024 Autonomous Prefecture Youth Badminton Championship was successfully held at Yuli County Gymnasium, hosted by the Autonomous Prefecture Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, the Autonomous Prefecture Education Bureau, undertaken by the Yuli County Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau, and the County Education and Science Bureau, and co-organized by the Bayingolin Mongol Badminton Association.

28 teams, 277 athletes and 43 coaches from counties, cities and sports clubs across the state participated in the competition, and 25 referees officiated. A total of 15 awards were given in this competition, including men’s and women’s singles, men’s and women’s doubles, and mixed doubles in Groups A, B, and C.

In recent years, under the strong leadership of the prefecture party committee and with the strong support of the prefecture culture, sports, radio, television and tourism bureau, the Yuli County Party Committee and the County People’s Government have implemented the “Sports Strengthening County” action, promoted the “foundation-building project” for young people, insisted on starting from primary and secondary school students, and gave full play to the role of amateur sports schools in cultivating sports reserve talents, developing “three small balls” sports, further expanding the event brand, and continuously improving the level of sports competition, effectively promoting exchanges and integration among young people of all ethnic groups, and forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. The successful holding of the Youth Badminton Championship of the prefecture not only provides a platform for exchanges and competitions for badminton players across the prefecture, but also showcases the style and level of badminton players across the prefecture.

2024-06-26 05:30:14
#Autonomous #Prefecture #Youth #Badminton #Championship #successfully #held #Yuli #County #Gymnasium


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