Success at the Westphalia Championship: Lina Rüping and Nikola Bertele Shine in Judo Competition

After qualifying at the district championship, Lina Rüping and Nikola Bertele from 1. JJJC Lünen competed at the Westphalia Championship in Herford. This is the highest level of competition for the under-13 age group.
Lina successfully fought her first fight in the weight class up to 33 kg by knocking her opponent down with a hip throw after just a few seconds. She was also able to win her next fight early by following up a throwing technique with a hold. Against her next opponent, Lina was initially able to score a wazari (small score), but was then thrown herself and lost the fight. In the subsequent fight for third place, she met her first opponent again, who she was able to defeat with a hip throw just as before. With third place, Lina had earned her first medal at the Westphalia level.

Nikola Bertele competed in the weight class up to 36 kg. She was also able to use a clean throwing technique in the first fight, so that she left the mat as the winner. She then met an ambitious opponent, against whom Nikola unfortunately lost in a hold.
In the consolation round, Nikola gave it her all again and managed to win early with a well-placed sickle technique. In the subsequent fight for third place, she met her previous opponent from the district championship. Unfortunately, Nikola underperformed and lost, narrowly missing the podium.

All in all, the day was very successful for both judo fighters, as they performed well at such a high level.

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2024-06-03 10:45:43
#Young #judoka #score #points #Westphalia #Championships #Lina #wins #bronze #medal


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